These last past three days I think I’ve been in a nesting mood. I cleaned my house top to bottom including all the base boards, blinds and the gross dust that collects on the top of the ceiling fans! YUCK
I’ve also been sewing up a storm. I started the project but ended up FRUSTRATED and need some moral support. So, My good friend Shelly was good enough to give me a couple of hours of her time.
This project was a bit challenging as I thought I was SUPERWOMEN or something and didn’t have a pattern. ( what was I thinking??)
This bumper was the best budget friendly item I’ve sewn! The polka dot fabric is a fitted sheet that I got from Pottery Barn for “FREE” because the elastic broke and they told me to keep it (Sweet!) The Toile is
from the fabric off the bedskirt in my Master bedroom that I MEANT to sew but never got around to it.
Tip…Yep, If you look at the pictures of my Mater bedroom the Skirt is just fabric Bunched up. If you have a bedroom like mine that NOBODY ever sees the other side of the bed,
(WHY not make life easy on yourself and bunch instead of SEW!)
So pretty much all I bought for this bumper was the minky fabric and the foam inside. In the end the total price tag was about $17.00 (I Love a good deal 🙂
I’ve had this cradle since my 1st baby.. I was once upon a time a natural colored wood but… I quickly changed that, and refinished it white. I added pin holes to give it more character.