My little Boy LOVES all things Super Hero! Captain America is by far his favorite!
His birthday is the very beginning of January so after months of food, parties and all the festivities between Thanksgiving and New Years, by the first of January I am overly sugared and a bit partied out.
BUT… I always try to make my kids’ birthdays special, so I whipped this party together with things I already had on hand. I constructed a banner with my extra scrapbook paper. Bought a few things at the food store for a super hero drink (Found on Pinterest) and had my local bakery make this cake for only $11.99! You can’t beat that!!!
I used my kids’ Pottery Barn table as a display. It was super easy and turned out really cute and honestly, he didn’t know the difference between a party I spent hours on vs. minutes.
All kids really want are to feel special! He was thrilled when he walked in the door!
Happy Birthday Blake!
So fresh, fun & CUTE!!! Happy Birthday,Blake!!!!
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