Yes, I know….I am the worst blogger ever!!! Would you believe me if I told you I ran out of projects to do in my house?!?
Blahhhhhaaa..If you knew me,you would know that this
could never be possible 🙂
In truth, my focus lately has been with the dentist office I mentioned in my last post. I have been busy designing/decorating that space, here are a few sneak pics of that space. We aren’t 100% done, but we are getting there 🙂
I will do a FULL in depth post on this soon!
Plus just recently I have been asked to plan yet another wedding all while I am trying to eat up every second of my baby Madeline and just enjoy my family (hubby and kids).
On the home front, I have been working on my update slowly. If you follow me on Instagram you would see the latest things
I’ve been up to.
I have painted my pantry door robin’s egg blue, and I’m currently in the process of painting my barstools the same color and ordering fabric to cover all my front room and kitchen windows! So I hope to have some pics to share soon? 🙂
I have painted my pantry door robin’s egg blue, and I’m currently in the process of painting my barstools the same color and ordering fabric to cover all my front room and kitchen windows! So I hope to have some pics to share soon? 🙂
In the meantime…here are a few pictures of the house and also pictures that have become by inspiration for a few spaces in my house. I am excited for it all to come together!
Hope you have a GREAT, FUN, LOOOOOOOONG weekend 🙂
Where is that light from? I need two like yesterday! They are super rad!
I bought mine from The Black goose in salt lake.
I want that light too!! any suggestions for someone in Oklahoma?
The light is from the company creative corp. many stores carry the brand. I'd see if any of yours do locally?! Hope that helps 😉
I love your Wallpaper!! Where did you get it from? Thanks
I think you would love the store in Lindon, Utah called Four Chairs…Awesome!! I voted for you for the DownEast I hope you get it!! Thanks
I love your Wallpaper!! Where did you get it from? Thanks
Oh my gosh! That dentist's office is so incredibly cute! Nice work!
The dentist's office is adorable.
Where did you get the awnings above the mirror "windows"? I am trying to figure out how to make something similar for my girls play room store. Can you share any tips or tutorials? Thanks!! ([email protected])
Hello, We had them custom made at an upholster shop 🙂
Hi paint color in your bedroom? I have something similar in mine, but it turned out too light….