I decided I am going to start a NEW theme for Fridays!!
{Favorite Food Fridays}
I am SUPER excited to share my ALL TIME favorite foods and Recipes. Me and my cute hubby can spend HOURS watching the food channel or cooking shows on TLC.
Our Newest LOVE is the…

Buddy basically cooks Pure Italian food (which is my personal fav)
You will catch me Drooling the entire time I’m watching his show!
So..I thought enoughs, enough and I gave one of his recipes a try…So, Guess what I made??
I know what you’re thinking, ewwww… Eggplant??
I know, I know GROSS right!??
NOT SO MY FRIENDS! This is sooooo good even my 2 year old couldn’t get enough of it!
you have got to try this, you’ll be happy you did!