My Little Boy Turned 10
TEN… I can’t believe it; Double Digits! It’s SHOCKING how FAST time goes by!!!
Brock wanted a Football Party! What 10-year-old boy doesn’t? This year, he had an AWESOME season in Football. He was nicknamed Speeder. I think he is taking after his dad in this area.
As his nickname as a kid was Brett the Jet.
The Party was a Success!!! We ended up using this table display twice. Once for his friend party and the next day for all the family to enjoy. We served the cupcakes to his friends and kept the YUMMY football cake for family.
Fun times for all!
I had a lot of fun planning this party. December can be such a busy time of year! But I wanted my little man to feel special on his BIG DAY!
The backdrop is now hanging in the boys’ room. Money well spent 🙂
Brett used his mad skills once again and built me the goal posts. I wanted a traditional football color scene, so I went with the infamous green and yellow with touches of brown and black 🙂
For details on how we built the backdrop see HERE