I have been busy with fun and exciting events as of lately. My cute sister-in-law is about to have her first baby boy! I love first babies! Heck, I just LOVE all babies!!!
I threw her a baby shower at my home! We had a great turn out and she got the cutest baby things.
Pretty much this little guy is a super hero in the making! 🙂
Here are some pictures I snapped on my phone.
What are Little Boys Made of…
The baby shower game!
STAYC @ Lacy and Crew says
Looks beautiful!!! I'm totally assuming you made the tissue paper pom-poms… but where did you find the paper lanterns?! Specifically those adorable striped ones?! I love them. Is it totally weird I want to create something like that for my bedroom (I know they are all the hype in a nursery…but I don't know about an adult's room haha)?! Love it!
Stayc @Lacy & Crew
Home by Heidi says
I found the laterns at a variety places. But the stripes one are from oriental trading. Hope that helps 😉
Noodle says
Hello! I'm wondering where you get your striped straws? I love them, but they're so expensive when I've seen them in stores. The shower looks just the way I'd expect it would, from you. You have great style sense and creativity. My favorite was the cucumber dip and vegetable holders. Great ideal!