OK…Maybe being featured in a “Garage Organization Ad” doesn’t merit the title of “FAMOUS” but, my kiddos did get a kick out of seeing their Mom in a Magazine 🙂
I’m suppose to be a Soccer Mom!?! What do you think, did I nail it?? (wink)
Go check out there website!!
I only WISH I had a garage like this one!!!!
I only WISH I had a garage like this one!!!!
I want my garage to look like that. Congrats you look like a soccer mom to me 🙂
How fun! Looks good!
If you mean a fabulous and beautiful soccer mom…then you nailed it!
Why did they call you Michelle?
LOL..Hummm?? not sure Marci! Thats kind of funny!
Ha ha, funny that they gave you a different name!!!
Maybe I look more like a Michelle??
Hi, This is Adam from Monkey Bars. Heidi, we like your name we just had certain persona's that we were naming. I just wanted to let you know that your picture is on Vehicles, billboards and brochures all over our 80 locations in the US and Canada. I would say your famous. I also wanted to let you know if you want your garage to look like the photo shoot to call and ask for me. I would also like to extend that to any of your friends here on this blog if they are willing to attach pictures of their garage once done and a link to our site. Thanks again for taking the time and doing that photo shoot with us.