Today’s update on priming and trim work!
Is this the same Kitchen???
Ok, so I am a bit scared to paint the REAL COLOR!!!
I know CRAZY right!?!
I am unsure if I should paint the room the Comfort Grey or a neutral green? I might have to sleep on this one.
What is your vote???
At this point, I feel like every wall in my entire house has trim on it, I am thinking this is a GOOD thing!? is there such thing as TO MUCH Trim? 😉
We’re adding a fun effect to the base boards so they appear to be thicker. In this picture, it shows one half of the baseboard normal and the other half of the base board built up.
We’re adding a fun effect to the base boards so they appear to be thicker. In this picture, it shows one half of the baseboard normal and the other half of the base board built up.
All Brett did was glue a trim piece to a 4 inch MDF board and stacked it on top of the original baseboard.
I’ll be excited when it’s all painted!
Here is what the walls looked like last night
and here they are this morning after a long night of
Gettin’ it DONE!
Babe, I Love ya, But the beard has GOT to go!!!
(I swear the man has BETTER hair then I do! So unfair! hehe 🙂
I say go with the gray! Just remember that whatever you do can be repainted over if you hate it.
Can you two come to my home when you are done? I don't have enough trim!! I love your brick backsplash in your kitchen. Heck! I love your whole house.
OH my goodness. It is gorgeous. I love all the trim and either color will be stunning. Go with your heart, and the color you really love. Hugs, Marty
Without a doubt the gray. It will look amazing against the dark kitchen island, and accessories will give the kitchen a pop of colour. Looking great btw!
You have a great sense of style… but, Comfort Grey gets me vote. Can't wait! With every post, I'm living vicariously through your blog and feel like I'm redecorating my own house. Thanks for being a trailblazer!
I love your cabinets…did you paint those yourself??? If so can you share your color?? Thanks!!! Can't wait to see it all finished!
comfort gray for sure…it will make your cabinets pop without a doubt and you will love it…good luck can't wait to see it.
Gray, for sure!
I love it! Can you tell me where you bought your light fixtures? I love them! Such decisions on the paint colors. I think either color would be pretty.
April, I picked the cabinets out when we built the house. They are just a pure white with a dark brown/black glaze over them!
Thanks again for the info Heidi!
Definitely go for the GREY. We just did the Board & Batton and all the white trim looks so beautiful with the grey. Your kitchen looks great.
What color of grey did you use??
I painted my dining room comfort grey several months ago, and I LOVE IT!!!!
We have comfort gray in our house and I LOVE IT!!!! We have so many compliments on that paint color…you can't go wrong with it:o) Good luck with your decision!!!
Comfort Grey all the way!
Can't wait to see it all finished Heidi…it's going to look amazing! I so love your style! I'm still waiting patiently for my PB lamps to arrive…hopefully soon! ~Deb~
Deb, What color did you get? The blue???
I ordered two of the blue…the yellow one's sure look nice though too!
I say Comfort Grey! And no you can never have too much trim in your house! 🙂 We love trim!!
:)Rachel Berry
Comfort Grey all the way!!!
I love your counter tops, what color are they?