Every project starts with a PLAN, right? I like to see all the elements on paper before going forward with buying the REAL items. I feel like I make less mistakes that way 🙂
You might think I am CRAZY for changing my Master,But I like change and after 6 years I wanted something different.
Less Green MORE blue! I realize I can’t live with blue in my front room, But in my bedrooms that is a WHOLE different story!!
Less Green MORE blue! I realize I can’t live with blue in my front room, But in my bedrooms that is a WHOLE different story!!
I just recently painted over my green walls in my master and re-painted them a YUMMY color of Comfort Grey from Sherwin Williams.
Here are a few snap shots from my phone. I am LOVING IT!!!
Do you remember this armoire piece from my last post??? Yep…same piece. It was the first piece of furniture that Brett and I bought as a married couple and though it has been through MANY color changes and has certainly taken a beating after 12 years, I just can’t seem to part with it!
I also took over Megan’s old bed…remember the green bed?
Yes…it is NOW white to match the armoire and I couldn’t be MORE excited about it!
OK….here is my plan for the rest of the room. I will be ready to post once the other items arrive.
Stay tuned for the big reveal in a few weeks!
I bought this bedding from Pottery Barn
I had a 20% off coupon. HAPPY DAY!!!
I also picked up this blanket in white.
This is seriously the most comfy blanket and is very seasonally-friendly. I also LOVE how blankets give more character to beds.
I had this PB pillow hanging around the house, FUNNY that I have this kind of stuff just hanging around, but when things go on clearance for $9.99, I figure I can always use it down the road; I’m so glad I did 🙂
It’s going to be PERFECT with the bedding ensemble!
I have 2 of these Chevron pillows coming from Lacey Place on etsy, I had them custom made to fit a euro size insert
I came away saving $80 off the listing price! SCORE!!! Especially that rugs are SUPER pricey and I needed an 8×10 for the bedroom.
I’m super excited, I have ALWAYS loved the look of rugs under beds!
Chevron Euro pillows in the other room!
I just LOVE them! I own the green one in the pic!
I think they will be perfect with everything I’m doing!
Well, there it is…so far everything is coming together nicely.
I am going to go to the fabric store today and see if I can score some white fabric for a great price for the bed skirt! I’m just going to gather it versus sewing it. After 6 years of doing that trick, I figure it works great, and that is time and energy saved on my part:)
I have also been working hard on trying to get the nursery done. I am super close.
But here is a sneak peek of the rug That is already in the room!
Hopefully I can share the finished project with you all VERY soon!
I LOVE the bedding!!!
Gorgeous! Do you want to sell your old master bedroom bedding????
So fun I think I'm convinced that Comfort grey would be perfect in my bedroom. Good luck with that new bundle and I can't wait to see the nursery reveal!
I've been reading your blog for a while now and I just love it! I love your style, especially all the trim work! I was wondering what exactly you meant by "just gather it" for the dust ruffle? Do you mean you take a strip of material (any particular width?) and hand gather it and stuff it between the mattress and box spring and let it hang down to the floor?? sounds like an awesome idea!
Yep…Thats all I do! I have a pretty heavy mattress so the material stays put. I do like to go with at least 54 inch wide fabric just so it has LOTS of extra under the mattress. I have been doing that trick for years. Its the only way that I found to get the VERY full gathered skirts!
Thank you!
I love your blog. I know your sister Emily. Its funny because I found your blog in a random decorating search soon after you started it and within the same week Emily told me about it. I LOVE your purple rug in your nursery and am wondering where you got it? I also LOVE the green rug. I have been looking for something like that for my family room. Its hard wood floors and I need something to cover it up. Anything to hide the fact that its a military house. :O)
Gorgeous! Do you want to sell me your old bedding???
isn't it funny how we take on a ton of projects while we are pregnant. It's like we know that we won't get to them once they come. I did the same thing before I had Tess. Love all that you are doing.