I am so excited to be guest posting on Home by Heidi!
Thanks for giving me this opportunity! I have been friends with Heidi for a long time. We go back to our early college days at Ricks (now BYU Idaho). That makes me feel old!
Anyway, thanks to the world of blogging and technology, we have been able to stay in touch and see our families grow as well as share our hobbies with one another.
I remember Heidi and I both as young newlyweds, exploring the world of decorating possibilities together. That is where it all started! Inspiration from friends is SO important, which is just ONE reason I love the blogging world. It is so easy for us to share!
Soooooooo…Heidi asked me to share with you my sons Movie Themed birthday party. I had so much fun preparing for it and the kids had more than their fair share of fun at the party. It started out with the birthday invitation which I threw together with my digital scrapbooking embellishments and Photoshop.
I also made this movie poster in Photoshop.
I had it printed and framed as part of the table scape.
We even rolled out the red carpet.
(Borrowed from a very good friend.)
(Borrowed from a very good friend.)
We had tickets hanging from the back of the chairs. Once the kids arrived, we sent them into the kitchen to find their chairs and claim their tickets.
(The popcorn bin, tickets, stars and balloons were purchased at The Party Store.)
Then the fun at the Concession stand started.
(The popcorn boxes, hot dog trays and straws were purchased at Hobby Lobby
and the clear containers are from Dollar Tree.)
We served popcorn, treats, soda, hot dogs and pizza. Casey worked behind the counter. He had to fight a few of them off. (wink, wink). The kids kept coming back for more, but once their tickets were gone that was it. We didn’t want anyone going home sick from junk food overload, or getting sick on our watch. 🙂
They watched their movie box car style.
We found this idea in the Family Fun Magazine.
Casey and the boys were in charge of this part of the party planning. They went on a hunt for bigger sized boxes as well as shoe boxes. The boys painted the front of the cars and then glued black paper plates on the side for wheels. The shoe box is stapled to the side of the bigger box to hold the concession treats. (the magazine showed this being attached with big clips, but we didn’t have any on hand) This worked out so good. It kept the boys entertained and sitting in ONE spot while watching the movie. That was all I could hope for.
After the movie it was time to celebrate with cupcakes and presents.
(The party hat was purchased at Hobby Lobby on MAJOR clearance.
A couple of bucks if I remember right.)
A couple of bucks if I remember right.)
To go with our movie theme, we had popcorn cupcakes.
Here is a closer look.
The idea is from the Family Fun Magazine. If you want to know how to make these, click here. They were so easy and such a fun addition. My kids helped me make them.
For party favors we had #8 balloons tied to a popcorn container. Inside was popcorn, treats and tickets to take home.
(Popcorn containers were from Target in the Aisle. )
Since I am not a mom who can invite the whole school class to a birthday party, Jake invited some of his best friends. He has some pretty cute friends,
who had a lot of fun! I would rate this party a huge success from a parents point of view as well as the partiers. 🙂
Thanks again Heidi! Your blog, style and creativity amaze me and I am so happy I could be a part of it.
I would love for you Home by Heidi readers to visit me at These Are The Days where you will find a Journal of Sorts. I share about my passion for homemaking and photography as well as what started me blogging which is my beautiful family. I am blessed every. single. day to have a supportive husband and 4 healthy children as well as a beautiful home and way too many hobbies. I try my best to record it. Which is why it is a Journal of Sorts.
Come by and visit. You would make my day! 🙂
Awww! Such a great party! I remember creating wonderful parties like this for my boys now almost men…:( So sweet…They will treasure this for a lifetime!
Xo, Meme
Wonderful party. You did a great job. I'm sure the boys had a blast!! Oh, and your home is beautiful. Kathi