Where do I even start?!?!? The last few months have been intense to say the least! We had just finalized our blue prints and waiting on our loan when COVID-19 hit. From that moment everything changed in the building world. Not sure if it’s COVID or if it’s just the building experience, but it has been a whirlwind of emotions! People keep telling me that when the house is finally built, it will ALL BE WORTH the hard work and sacrifices. I guess I’ll let you know how I feel in 6 months from now. Haha
Let me be 100% transparent: Building is NO CAKE WALK! I was wrong when I thought building and decorating go hand and hand. It takes A LOT of time, A LOT of brain power and A LOT of work that disturbs home life and your normal everyday flow. For me and my hubby, it kind of turned into a full-time job. And my poor husband, who already works full-time running his own business, decided to make things even more intense by starting a Master’s Degree. I am beyond proud of him, but also think he is a little crazy, too 🙂
My husband and I have been VERY hands-on with this build, like framing our master fireplace, installing much of the decorative trim work throughout the home, and discussing EVERY. SINGLE. DETAIL. with our builder! Placement of heating ducts, light switches, can lights, hanging lights, closet layouts, plumbing fixtures, cabinet designs, siding widths and window sizes. (Seriously, you should have been involved in our conversation about the “right way” to size a window), and the list goes on and on . . . and on.
With all the hard there is always so much good, too. And you know, that’s exactly the way life is. When there’s bad, there’s also good. I truly feel blessed that I even have this opportunity to build. It’s been a lifetime dream for sure. The design process has been VERY rewarding, and I have learned sooo much along the way!
The building of this house, such as: framing and foundation and plumbing, are the areas that were new to me. I feel like if we build again . . . which at this point I swear I will NEVER do again. But, I also said that after every baby, and I had 4 kids 🙂 Soooo I won’t say never. Honestly, we will more than likely build again, but the next time will go much smoother with the knowledge we have now.
So far I am very happy with the decisions we have made, but I have decided that NO plan or house is perfect and it’s just going through the process of accepting things you can’t change.
I have had several Friends and designers help me along the way. There is NO WAY I could have done a custom home 100% by myself. Building is a different kind of animals. I thought I was prepared to build, I would say I was 50% prepared, but Boy has it been a HUGE eye-opening experience! I feel like I have just earned a college degree in building 101.
Today I am sharing the very start of our build. We broke ground back in August. I imagine we will be able to move in the first of April. But there is a lot of trim work we personally want to do in the next few weeks before the painters come. So we will see. As long as we are in before the end of May (my daughter’s High School Graduation), I will be ok.
Here is a fun overview of pictures from where we started and where we are now. I will break all the elements down with more posts to come . . .