Phew…it seemed the Halloween parties were never ending!
We had MANY Trick or Treating events and I have eaten WAY more than my fair share of candy!!! I will be hitting it hard at the gym for sure this week:)
Last night, while manning the door for trick or treaters we indulged ourselves with homemade donuts, seven layer dip, carmel apples, muddy buddies and Bar-B-Q sandwiches..YUMMY.. and NO this food didn’t do any favors for my waste line…but BOY…was it FUN 🙂
This year, I thought it would be fun to dress up. Here is my fast and easy costume I came up with last minute! I was VERY surprised and LUCKY to have won “Cutest Costume” at my Church’s Halloween party! I was thrilled 😉
PLEASE Tell me you know who I am??? I had about half of the people know and the other half thought I was “I Love Lucy”.
It’s HISTORY people! We should all know about the Power House woman “Rosie” the riveter!
My grandma was a Rosie.
I would have LOVED to live in that era of time! I LOVE vintage clothing, and can you just imagine the parties they had…with people ACTUALLY dancing 🙂
“B” won the scariest costume award! I personally think he looks CUTE, in a long haired biker kind of way 🙂
Hope you all had a GREAT Halloween!
P.S. Is November the 1st to early to start blasting Christmas Music??? I say it is, but Brett has been counting down the days til November so he could play his Christmas faves!
So cute Heidi!! Sounds like you guys had a fantastic Halloween!!
NOT too early! We've been playing the Pandora Christmas station for weeks, although we stopped on halloween to allow some scary music into the house. 🙂
Your costume looks cute, but I have to admit I wasn't exactly sure who you were. It was one of those "looks familiar" moments. And your food sounds amazing!!! Especially the bean dip. I think my weight in chocolate has been eaten my me alone today, and I really don't want to work out! Waaahhhh!!!
I knew exactly who you were. You look awesome! Your dark hair and fair complexion are perfect. I agree about the dancing — I wish people still danced like they used to.
Heidi! I loved it!!!
You should totally do more vintageit suits you but as a costume this was my favorite!
Love the costume! I saw it in your pinned items and thought it was way cute!!
I knew exactly who you were. You look beautiful as usual. Great idea!
Sounds like you all had a great Halloween.
I listen to Christmas music year round when I am home and Christmas movies are that way too. I love Christmas and who couldn't use a little Christmas every day! Hugs, Bobbi Jo
I recognized you too, and I love that you pulled that off so well. Seems like that was a great era.
Also, I think it's fun to have Christmas start early. Then it's not over in a big rush!