Here is what I have been up to today..
this and spending 3 HOURS at the allergy Doctor… aghhh!
I am super excited to send these cute saint Patty’s baskets to school tomorrow. My kiddos are going to LOVE them!!
Thanks to The Crafting Chicks for the inspiration and free download. They help me look like Super Mom in my kids eyes
(even though I am FAR FROM IT!! hehe)
Here is the list of supplies that I used..
Tissue paper
Rolo Candy
Green Sparkle box…Found @ Target of course 🙂
Tip..I stuffed tissue paper underneath the candy so I wouldn’t have to use some much of it. Candy is not cheap PEOPLE!!
Mom of 3, wife of 1 says
I did the same thing for my nieces and nephews!! Yours turned out MUCH cuter though. LOVING your blog Heidi!!
Brittany says
I am doing the same thing…those darn rolos were almost 4.00!