I don’t know about you?
but for me,SUMMER can’t come FAST enough!?!
Every season I eagerly wait to see the ADORABLE swimsuits from DownEast
Every year they DO NOT disappoint!!!
I am especially EXCITED that this year DownEast hooked me up and let me pick a top and bottom for their new spring line!
check out what I picked! 🙂
Here is a sneak peek of some of DownEasts Darling Swimwear line for 2012….
How would YOU like to win a Swimsuit of your very OWN?!!!
is giving away a swim top and bottom to one of my readers…YAY!!!
#1 Entry Grab my button and add it to your blog for the world to see 🙂 Come back and tell me what you did
#2 Check out DOWNEAST and come back to tell me your favorite mix and match combo!!
#4 Blog, Facebook and/or Tweet about this giveaway and then leave a link for it here. {up to 3 entries}
To participate in the giveaway it is MINORITY you are a follower of Home By Heidi
Winner will be announced March 22th