~Start with a theme or color scheme
~It’s the order in which you apply layers of the tree décor that makes all the difference
~Look at Blogs or Pinterest, even your local Christmas tree show for ideas and inspiration.
~Go to the décor store with an idea of the direction you want to go with the tree, or you might find yourself with money spent and not a lot to show for it
~Be creative…think outside the box. Repurpose items around your house that would go along with your theme
~Don’t get caught up with perfection, or feeling like you’re doing it wrong. Step away if you get frustrated. You might see things differently with fresh eyes. One of my favorite quotes: “A Beautiful Thing is Never Perfect”
~Wire is your best friend!
~Don’t be afraid to do nontraditional colors. (One of my all time favorite Christmas trees was a black and white one)
~If you want to change the look or color scheme of your tree. Do it with ribbon. Ribbon can be a huge impact and for the most part less expensive then starting over with ornaments. Pick Ribbon that you LOVE no matter the color or style or what’s trending. Stay Basic with the other elements of your tree.
~Collect items year to year! Shop discount stores like Home goods and TJ Maxx. Also check out after Christmas sales (those are the BEST). Christmas Tree Ornaments can be PRICEY! Pick a foundation color that you want to use year after year. Mine is silver and Mercury glass. These colors look great with any color scheme. So you can change easily from year to year.
~If you use the Ornaments and ribbon one year, but want a different look the following year, just change the direction of your ribbon. It will feel like a fresh tree!
~I quick trick on how to freshen up an older tree without the expense of a brand new tree, is use filler picks/branches (With a frosted pick or branch you can add that flocked element easily and inexpensively)
~I quick trick on how to freshen up an older tree without the expense of a brand new tree, is use filler picks/branches (With a frosted pick or branch you can add that flocked element easily and inexpensively)