The BIG Valentines Day!
My little girl is SUPER excited for this day. She discovered a cute boy in her class, and then the other day I discovered a picture of him taped on her ceiling. Hummm, I think she might be trying to hide it from her mom. She knows what I would say,
No Boyfriends! Ahhhhh, am I REALLY at this point?
My baby girl liking boys. She’s only 9. What happened???
Any-who, Valentines Day is one of my Favorite holidays. It seems to break up the long winter and is a GREAT excuse to go out to dinner and eat yummy CANDY!!
I love Valentines Candy Way more than Halloween Candy!
In the past I’ve made my kids these cute iPods for the kids at school
In the past I’ve made my kids these cute iPods for the kids at school
But this year I might do something a little different.
Here is the download for all you wanting to give the iPods a go, kids LOVE them 🙂
Here are some FUN Valentines ideas I thought were fun and wanted to share. I have them all pinned under my Valentines folder on Pinterest
Hope you all have a Fantastic weekend!!!
I just pinned the homemade Febreeze recipe — brilliant!
Kim @