So we’ve heard it all before . . .
“There’s no place like home” . . . “Home is where the heart is” . . . “A man’s home is his wife’s castle” and the list goes on.
The truth is, the need to CREATE runs deep inside my veins.
Creating a “HOME” is no easy task.
I have lost tears, sweat and sleep over the decisions I’ve made in my home. But in the end, it’s sooooooooooooo worth it!
In my opinion, creating “home life” is a lot like having a baby. You have your good days; you have your bad days, but when you see the final product, you forget about all the “LABOR” pains and sleepless nights that is took to get there!
At times, Life can seem impossible to keep up with! I admit, Motherhood comes with sticky fingers, cut off sweats and occasionally sporting my husband’s over sized t-shirts, but at the end of the day when the little angels are asleep . . . Phew! and I finally get a little time to myself to catch up on Grey’s and Desperate episodes, I truly feel it is all worth it!
So my goal in this blog is to share the inner workings of what makes a HOUSE a HOME (at least in my house anyway), and loving the space you’re in plus enjoying the little things in life.
As much as we’d all like to pretend…life isn’t perfect. We all have our bad hair days, we can go weeks without saving our legs, and lets not even start on those ugly little gray hairs and the on- going battle against wrinkles. ahhh!
For me beauty comes in all forms. I mean, gheez, isn’t a perfect Chocolate Raspberry with cream cheese frosting cupcake beautiful!?! Or how about finding the PERFECT paint color, for your office, that took you months to search for? Ahhh . . . you can’t beat that feeling!
This is my goal! This is why I want to share my blog with you . . . to make ordinary into something extraordinary. To enjoy the small stuff that makes life so GREAT!
A great Man once said, “Life is just like an old time rail journey … delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.” ~Gordon B. Hinckley
So my friends . . . Hop on Board . . . You’re in for a ride 🙂
P.S. This Blog is a collection of old blogs that I have been working on for the past 3 years.
So…if this new blog seems a bit “patched work quilt like”… it’s because it is 🙂 ENJOY!
Thanks so much for your tutorial on Crafting Chicks! I am currently looking for a new comforter it's so hard to find the perfect one!
Love, love, love your blog!
Hello Heidi! You have a lovely blog and I'm happy to be a new follower! Come see me sometime at:
Love Laurie from Scene of the Grime
Can't wait. I found your blog aroud Christmas and loved your decor and style! Can't wait to see what's in store!
Hey I actually read your personal blog for a while because a cousin of mine sent me the link to your ideas for your kids room as inspiration. I am so happy to see this blog. I wish I would have known you when I lived in Idaho Falls a few years ago. It would have been wonderful to know a designer who actually thinks outside the box there! Wish you the best, feel free to check out my design blog. Its
This is so cool! I am so EXCITED for you and all of your new adventures. I would say that you have had one busy year! =0] Can't wait for more ideas.